High School Clubs
- Adopt a Grandparent
- Anime Club
- Art Club
- Asian Student Union
- BIZAA (Basic Institute for Zonal African Advancement)
- Black Student Union
- Bowling
- Bring Change 2 Mind
- Business Professionals of America
- Chess
- Coffee Culture Club
- Crochet & Fiber Arts Club
- Debate Team
- DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America)
- Drama Club
- Dungeons and Dragons (D & D Club)
- Equestrian
- Exchange Student Club
- Fall Dance Performance Team
- Fellowship of Christian Athletes
- Flowers for Families
- French Club
- Future Nurses Club
- GOAL - Girls of Active Leadership
- GSA (Gender/Sexuality Alliance)
- Homecoming Committee
- HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America)
- K-Pop Club
- Kabekonian - Yearbook
- Karate
- Key Club
- Link Crew
- Latinos Unidos
- Math Team
- Morgan's Message
- Muslim Student Association
- National Honor Society
- Native American Student Alliance (NASA)
- One Act Play
- Peer Helpers
- Philosophy Club
- Pickleball Club
- Ponies TRUST Club
- Pony Express Newspaper
- Pony Strength Training
- Prom Committee
- Robotics Team
- Speech Team
- Stillwater Cookie Club
- Student Council
- Student Leadership Council
- Student Mental Health Coalition
- Stylus - Creative Arts Magazine
- Sustainable Fashion Club
- The Sisterhood
- Trust Club Cheer Squad
- Tree Club
- Young Democrats
- Young Feminists
Adopt a Grandparent
Intergenerational Connections
Our program works to connect Boutwells Landing residents/senior citizens to high school students for technology support and to foster human connections. Through this program, students help seniors citizens with their technology (iPad, iPhone and computers) and visit with Boutwells residents in meetings once a month. The leaders of this club direct members to Boutwells to meet the needs of the community in a large group setting.
Start Date: TBD
Meeting Days: Monthly TBD (Nov. 2024 - May 2025)
Meeting Times: 2:45-3:45 p.m.
Meeting Location: Boutwells Landing, 6500 Norwich Parkway, Oak Park Heights
(Students must provide their own transportation to Boutwells)
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
Student that would like to participate must attend one of the two mandatory training sessions:
TBD - College and Career Center
TBD - College and Career Center
Instagram: @sahsadoptagrandparent
Remind code: TBD
Anime Club
During Anime Club each week we watch a couple of episodes of an approved Anime. We also discuss different Anime and play Anime-based games. We also try Asian food, candy and snacks.
Start Date: TBD
Meeting Days: Wednesdays
Meeting Times: 2:20 - 3:45 p.m.
Meeting Location: SAHS B114
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
Art Club
Art Club provides an open studio experience. Students work independently on the art of their choice and is open to all students.
Start Date: Sept. 4, 2024
End Date: May 28, 2025
Meetings Days: Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Meeting Time: 2:10-3:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: A106 & A108
Equipment Needed: $50 registration fee and $25 supply fee to Instructor
- Electronic registration is required.
Asian Student Union
The Asian Student Union (ASU) is a club where students strive to learn about Asian cultures and discuss controversial topics openly with one another. ASU’s mission is to give students the opportunity to learn more about themselves and their classmates. Not only does the club focus on Asian cultures and events, it is a place of creativity and support as students work on leadership skills, teamwork and developing future goals.
Start Date: TBD
Meetings Day: Fridays
Meeting Times: 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: SAHS C120: Mr. Ellefson’s Classroom
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
BIZAA (Basic Institute for Zonal African Advancement)
Our goal is to make an impact in the life of another and our own at the same time by supporting children’s education who have been victims of child labor, child trafficking and domestic servitude in Africa, one child at a time. These children will have many more opportunities in the future, both improving their lives and their communities.
Start Date: Sept. 16, 2024
End Date: April 14, 2024
Meeting Day: Mondays, once a month
Meeting Times: 7:15 - 7:35 a.m.
Meeting Location: SAHS E133
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
Black Student Union
The Black Student Union’s focus is to support students of African and African-American descent while building awareness, education, and a new level of consciousness about being an African or African American in today’s society.
Start Date: Sept. 5, 2024
End Date: May 31, 2024
Meeting Days: Thursdays after school
Meeting Times: 2:20-3:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: E207/E215 Flex Room
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
Who: Grades 7-12
Fee: $50
When: Aug. 19 - Nov. 2024
Practice Schedule: Monday and Wednesdays from 4 - 5:30 p.m. at Stillwater Bowl
Equipment Needed: Bowling Ball & Shoes (Recommended, not required). Dress slacks or skort required for competition.
Additional Team Fee: Up to $150
Minnesota High School bowling is a co-ed activity in the fall. Minnesota High School Bowling is administered by the Bowling Proprietors Associations of Minnesota (BPAM) and is governed by a set of rules that have been modeled after those of the Minnesota State High School League. The SAHS Bowling team competes in the Metro East Conference. All students with minimum knowledge of bowling are welcome to join and members are eligible to earn a varsity letter.
Electronic registration is required.
Bring Change 2 Mind
The goal of Bring Change to Mind is reducing the stigma around mental illness and starting conversations about mental health. We want to create a helpful and supportive environment regarding mental health within our school and community. The club does not serve as a form of therapy and students seeking help will be referred to the counselors or social work.
Start Date: TBD
Meeting Day: Mondays
Meeting Time: 2:10 - 3 p.m.
Meeting Location: E209
Student Leaders
Avery Adams
Sydney Berg
Daliah Hussein
Milena Sandstrom
Business Professionals of America
Business Professionals of America is the premier CTSO (Career and Technical Student Organization) for students pursuing careers in business management, information technology, finance, office administration, health administration and other related career fields.
With 45,000 members in over 1,800 chapters across 25 states and Puerto Rico, as well as an international presence in China, Haiti and Peru, BPA is an organization that supports business and information technology educators by offering co-curricular exercises based on national standards.
BPA offers three qualifying competitions: Regions in January, State in March, and Nationals in May. There is also a leadership conference in Minneapolis in November. See more at: https://bpa.org/about-us/
Start Date: Sept. 5, 2024
End Date: April 24, 2025
Fee: TBD
Meeting Day: Thursdays
Meeting Times: 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: TBD
Registration is not required
Sanjay Singhvi
Riddhi Singhvi
Ahna Prigge
Coolsjes Singhvi
A calm place for any level of chess and welcome to everyone. A place to develop your skills at chess!
Start Date: Oct. 4, 2024
End Date: May 30, 2025
Meeting Days: Fridays
Meeting Times: 2:20 - 3:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: SAHS Room C122
No Registration Fee – Student Initiated Club. Register directly with the club advisor.
Coffee Culture Club
The Coffee Culture Club explores the different origins and profiles of tea and coffee around the world. While enjoying a cup sometimes at Stillwater Area High School and around the community, the group looks to raise funds for a small bean farm in Columbia by creating posters. In addition to sampling, join the group to learn how to make different espresso-style drinks and mugs, and take in documentaries.
Start Date: Oct. 2, 2024
Meeting Day: Every third Wednesday
Meeting Time: 2:20-3:15 p.m.
Meeting Location: E230
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
- Electronic registration is not required.
Cassandra Lafleur
Crochet & Fiber Arts Club
Debate Team
Debate is the perfect activity for students who want to think critically and have their voices heard. The current Pony Debate team carries on the legacy of nearly 100 years of debate excellence at SAHS. The team competes in the Minnesota Classic Debate League, where students craft arguments and debate in teams of two. Topics focus on finding logic and evidence-based solutions to current issues. Recent topics have included discussions foreign treaties, the Supreme Court, Martian exploration, and more.
Start Date: Aug. 13, 2024
End Date: Dec. 15, 2024
Meeting Times: Monday-Friday from 2:20-4:30 p.m.
Where: Room E209
Competitions: Saturdays from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Fees: $165 participation fee
Dates of Importance:
TBD: Returning Student Information Meeting
TBD: New Student Information Meeting
TBD: Parent/Guardian Meeting
Nov. 16: Hosting Home Tournament
Electronic registration is required. This is an MSHSL team.
DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America)
Every student in a marketing course is a member of the DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America). Speakers and the Stock Market game are some of the activities.
Begins Aug. 26, 2024 and runs through June 3, 2025, with meetings taking place daily during the marketing course.
Electronic registration is not required.
Drama Club
First Meeting Date: TBD
Meeting Schedule: Fridays at 2:30 PM
Location: SAHS Auditorium
Fee: $25
This club is for those students with a passion for the theatre arts (onstage and behind the scenes) or those looking to learn more about it. We explore theatre from activities building skills, workshops, field trips to see theatre productions, guest artists from Broadway, the Twin Cities theatre community and colleges and theatres around the country, and new this year theatrical themed projects (BiPOC, LGBTIAQ+, Improv, Shakespeare, 24-Hour Play Festivals, etc.)
By becoming a drama club member, students can qualify to letter in Drama at SAHS and become a life-time member of the International Thespian Society.
Electronic registration is required.
Grif Sadow
Brian McTier
Dungeons and Dragons (D & D Club)
The Dungeons and Dragons Club is purely recreational and exists only for the enjoyment of its members.
It provides a fun break in the daily transition between school and home and allows for friends to meet up in a relaxed environment where students can play games together.
Start Date: Sept. 12, 2024
End Date: May 29, 2024
Meeting Days: Thursdays
Meeting Times: 2:15 - 4 p.m.
Meeting Location: TBD
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
Drew Griffin
Minnesota High School Equestrian Association is an Independent Provider and is not sponsored by, administered by or sanctioned by the Stillwater Area High School, ISD #834 or the MSHSL.
Founded in 2001, MHSEA is a 501(3)(c) non-profit corporation whose mission is to promote equestrian disciplines as a high school team sport. Emphasis is on education, citizenship and recognition of equestrian athletes. The MHSEA program provides the opportunity for students to pursue a sport they love, enjoy the camaraderie of other high school equestrian athletes and represent their high school in "team" competition.
For more information: www.mhsea.org
Season: TBD
Meeting Days: TBD
Meeting Times: TBD
Meeting Location: TBD
Equipment Needed: TBD
Fee: $50 independent provider fee - others as required
Student Information Meeting: TBD
Parent/Guardian Meeting: TBD
Electronic registration is required.
Exchange Student Club
The purpose of Exchange Student Club is to help acclimate exchange students to SAHS and our school culture, provide an opportunity to share each student's unique experience with the group, and help students get involved at SAHS. This group is only for exchange students, who are automatically members of the club by nature of their enrollment at SAHS.
Start Date: Sept. 12, 2024
End Date: May 15, 2025
Meetings: Monthly, alternating classes.
Meeting Location: Pony Center - TBD.
Registration is NOT required - this organization is for international exchange students only.
Fall Dance Performance Team
Start Date: Aug. 12, 2024
End Date: Oct. 17, 2024
Day One: Monday, Aug. 12, 2024 from 3 - 6 p.m. in the SAHS Auxiliary Gym
Meeting Days: Monday - Friday
Meeting Times: 3 - 6 p.m.
Meeting Location: SAHS - Auxiliary Gym
Parent/Guardian/Student Information Meeting: Aug. 5, 2024 | 6 - 7 PM | SAHS D205
Electronic registration is required, with a $100 Participation Fee.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is a student led group dedicated to leading athletes into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. At each huddle, students will spend time getting to know each other through games and team building activities and learning more about their faith through small group Bible study. You do not have to be an athlete to join FCA, but much of the discussion will revolve around how athletes can represent Christ in their sports and everyday lives. Please text @fcastillw to the phone number 81010 if you would like to receive updates about meeting times and locations.
Start Date: Sept. 9, 2024
Meeting Days: Mondays
Meeting Times: 6 - 8 p.m.
Meeting Location: SAHS E210
No Registration Fee – Student Initiated Club
Register in person with the Student Leader or Club Advisor.
Stillwater FFA is a free, year-round, student activity open to all students in grades 9-12 with interests in animals, natural resources, plants, food, or agribusiness. Members may choose their level of involvement based on their interests and time available. Opportunities for local, regional, state and national activities include career and leadership development competitions, trout stream monitoring, adopt-a-highway, children's barnyard, plant sale, malt booth, proficiency awards, scholarships, state and national conventions and expos, and landscape display at the Minnesota State Fair. FFA is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success.
Join the FFA Remind group by texting @sahs-ffa to 81010. Event calendar and additional information is on the FFA Schoology page (add course with enrollment code SGZSS-7D5QH)
Start Date: Year-Round
Meeting Days: First Thursday of every month
Meeting Times: 2:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: SAHS C144
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
Flowers for Families
Meeting once a month to create bouquets, this group brightens hospitals by donating their work to to families whose babies are in the NICU. With uplifting cards of encouragement, this group looks to motivate families at Lakeview Hospital.
Start Date: Dec. 2, 2024
Meeting Day: First Monday of each month
Meeting Time: 7-7:30 a.m.
Meeting Location: Mr. Coury's room
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
- Electronic registration is not required.
Gerard Coury
French Club
We explore all things related to French language and culture. Activities include cooking, conversation, cultural exploration, celebrating holidays, crafts, movies and games. This group is responsible for organizing activities for National French Week in November for all of the French classes at SAHS and the school as a whole. We work together to incorporate member interests and experience to plan a fun and language-filled year of French.
Start Date: Oct. 10, 2024
End Date: May 22, 2025
Meeting Day: Every other Tuesday or Thursday
Meeting Times: 2:20-3:20 p.m.
Meeting Location: SAHS E134
Fees: $50
Registration: Electronic Registration is Required
Future Nurses Club
Future Nurses Club focuses on educating students on terminology in a nursing career, as well as what a job in the nursing field looks like. Featuring guest nurse speakers and connect with Pathways for shadowing opportunities, some activities also include writing letters to nurses and children in hospitals, blanket making, and a food drive.
Start Date: Sept. 9, 2024
Meeting Day: Mondays
Meeting Times: 7:10-7:30 a.m.
Meeting Location: SAHS E225
Fees: TBD
Registration: Electronic Registration is Required
GOAL - Girls of Active Leadership
The Girls of Active Leadership club empowers young women by developing leadership skills, confidence, and community engagement. Through speakers, mentors, and service work, members build teamwork, goal setting, and public speaking abilities. The club fosters a supportive space for growth and allow young women to lead in school, community, and beyond.
Start Date: Nov. 12, 2024
End Date: TBD
Meeting Day: Tuesdays
Meeting Time: 7:05-7:35 a.m.
Meeting Location: C105
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
- Electronic registration is not required.
Laura Krajewski
Student Leaders
Rosemary Kubiak
Sophia Metcaf
GSA (Gender/Sexuality Alliance)
We are a student led group with options to meet the needs of the group. We can be a support for the members, do advocacy work, provide resources and information, promote visibility and presence in our school community or just be together and have fun. We welcome new members and encourage you to join us and make this a safe place for you to spend time and be with peers.
Members are students who are gay, lesbian, bi, trans, questioning, pan, asexual, allies and any member of the SAHS community who is interested in belonging to our group.
Start Date: TBD
Meetings: TBD
Meeting Times: TBD
Meeting Location: SAHS College & Career Center
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
Homecoming Committee
Student and staff planning of the yearly Homecoming Celebration. Planning includes events for not only Stillwater Area High School but other locations throughout the district.
Start Date: TBD
Meeting Days: TBD
Meeting Times: TBD
Meeting Location: TBD
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America)
Are you interested in a healthcare career and want to learn more about what it is like? HOSA (Health Occupations for Students of America) is the club for you!
HOSA is a student-led, Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) designed to prepare students for success in the healthcare field through education, collaboration, and experience. This is an international organization designed to prepare students for success in the healthcare field through education, collaboration, and experience.
Here is our remind link to stay updated on meeting times: https://www.remind.com/join/
Start Date: TBD
Meeting Days: TBD
Meeting Times: TBD
Meeting Location: TBD
Required: State HOSA registration fee of $25 will have to be paid.
- No Registration Fee – Student Initiated Club
- Register in person with the Student Leader or Club Advisor.
K-Pop Club
Do you love learning about different cultures? In K-pop we discuss Korean popular culture. Where Hallyu is all the rage and idols like TBS are captivating the world. EVERYONE is welcome to join us as we learn about Rookie groups, discuss current K-dramas, play Idol based games, try Korean snacks, and learn some Korean. Love to dance? Come learn some new dance moves! In previous years a dance group would perform for SAHS events.
Other previous activities include group outings to a Korean restaurant and Karaoke room, MOA and K-pop concert! Come check us out!
Start Date: TBD
Meeting Day: Mondays
Meeting Time: 2:20 - 3:30 p.m.
Location: SAHS E230
Registration: Register directly with the Staff Advisor
Kabekonian - Yearbook
This is a co-curricular activity that produces the annual high school yearbook as part of the English 12 - Journalism class. Students need to be enrolled in the course to participate. The Kabekonian Yearbook is an award-winning publication and a member of the National Scholastic Press Association and the Minnesota High School Press Association.
Meets daily during class.
Electronic registration is not required
Who: Grades 7-12
When: Aug. 26, 2024 - June 4, 2025
Fee: $50 independent provider fee - others as required
This program is run through the Edge Martial Arts. The martial arts program is not just to defend yourself but also a way to develop discipline, perseverance, respect, humility, sportsmanship, and confidence. These life skills will transfer to everyday life whether it be academic, social, or career driven.
Electronic registration is required.
Match Schedule
Upcoming Games
Season Results
Team | Opponent | Date | Time | Location | Status | |
Tennis - Girls JV |
Lakeville South
McGuire Middle School | ||
Girls_Varsity_Tennis |
Lakeville South
Lakeville South High School | CHANGED: Time Changed | |
Girls_Varsity_Tennis |
St. Paul Harding, Rochester Lourdes, Mounds Park Academy, Rochester Century, Mahtomedi, Apple Valley, Tartan Senior
Stillwater Area High School | CHANGED: Date & Time Changed from 08-21-2024 | |
Tennis - Girls C |
East Ridge, Mounds View, Woodbury
East Ridge High School | ||
Tennis - Girls JV |
East Ridge, Mounds View, Woodbury
East Ridge High School | ||
Varsity Competitions
Key Club
A youth branch of Kiwanis International, Key Club provides opportunities for students to participate in community service opportunities. The club is focused on working with adult community members and independent community service projects. Students can letter in this club.
Instagram: @keyclub21
Remind code: @sahskey21 to 810-10
External Website: STILLWATER AREA HIGH SCHOOL KEY CLUB - Home (weebly.com)
Start Date: TBD
Meeting Days: TBD
Meeting Times: TBD
Meeting Location: TBD
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
If a student meets the lettering criteria, they are required to purchase their letters.
Link Crew
Link Crew is a high school transition program that welcomes ninth grade students and makes them feel comfortable throughout the first year of their high school experience. Built on the belief that students can help students succeed, this proven transition program trains mentors from junior and senior classes to be Link Crew Leaders who guide the ninth graders to discover how to be successful during the transition to high school and help facilitate ninth grade success.
Link Leaders and ninth grade students start building the mentor relationship on orientation day and ninth graders receive information about how to be successful in high school directly from their Link Leaders. Link Leaders connect with their ninth grade ‘Links’ on an individual basis throughout the school year.
Important & Required Dates
Link Leader Application Deadline: March (date TBD)
Link Leader Development Meeting: April (date TBD)
Training Days: mid-August (dates TBD)
Ninth Grade Orientation: First Day of School
Link Leader Meetings: September (dates TBD)
Start Date: Aug. 14, 2024
End Date: May 30, 2025
Matt Kraft
Amanda Banick, Bryce Ellefsen, Amy Hoffman, and Kathy Meyer
Latinos Unidos
The purpose of the Latinos Unidos is to bring together all Stillwater students who hold a Latino identity to build a strong community and presence at Stillwater Area High School.
Meeting Days: Tuesdays
Meeting Times: 2:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: SAHS E223
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
Math Team
Start Date: Oct. 7, 2024
End Date: March 10, 2025
Meeting Days: Mondays and/or Wednesdays
Meeting Times: 2:15 - 3:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: C220
Fee: $25
Information Meeting: Monday, Oct. 7 at 2:15 p.m. in C220
The High School Math Team is an exciting and challenging extracurricular activity that brings together students who have a passion for mathematics and want to showcase their problem-solving skills, critical thinking abilities, and mathematical knowledge in a competitive setting.
The varsity team consists of eight students, two of which need to be underclassmen (freshmen or sophomores). We participate in five Minnesota State High School Math League competitions where students engage in individual and team-based challenges. These competitions cover a wide range of mathematical topics, including Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, and more, followed by a state tournament in March.
Being a part of the Math Team not only allows students to deepen their understanding of math concepts but also fosters teamwork, collaboration, and perseverance. It provides a supportive and stimulating environment for students to explore the beauty and intricacies of mathematics while building friendships and developing valuable skills that extend beyond the realm of math. The High School Math Team is a place where students can challenge themselves, celebrate their achievements, and cultivate a lifelong love for mathematics.
Website: https://mnmathleague.org/
Electronic registration is required with a participation fee of a to be determined amount.
Morgan's Message
Morgan's Message was a non-profit organization created based on a true story about a DI athlete that struggled with her mental health. She was able to find help the first time around but unfortunately lost her battle to mental health the second time. This club focuses on eliminating the stigma around student athletes mental health by opening up the conversation. Our club also organizes dedication games and spreads the word around campus.
Start Date: Sept. 9, 2024
End Date: May 31, 2025
Meeting Days: Mondays
Meeting Times: 7 - 7:30 a.m.
Meeting Location: SAHS Room E209
- No Registration Fee – Student Initiated Club
- Register in person with the Student Leader or Club Advisor.
Muslim Student Association
Provides an educational outlook on Islam and to clear up any misconceptions there may be. This is an environment where Muslims and people of other religions can speak freely, all while carrying out social and cultural activities.
Start Date: TBD
Meeting Days: Tuesdays
Meeting Times: 2:20 - 3:10 p.m.
Meeting Location: Room E120
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
National Honor Society
What is the National Honor Society? The National Honor Society (NHS) is an organization for high schoolers (grades 10-12) that promotes leadership, service, character, and scholarship. There are over one million students participating in NHS activities today, in all 50 states and territories of the United States. The National Honor Society started in 1921 by an association of principals. It was the first honor society created across the country. At almost 100 years old, the NHS is one of the most well-known educational and leadership groups.
The Purpose of the National Honor Society The purpose of the National Honor Society is to elevate students’ and schools’ academics, leadership, and community engagement. NHS benefits students, communities, and colleges. Colleges have a way of seeing the academic and service commitment of an applicant through his or her membership.
How Can You Become a Member? To become a National Honor Society member, students must be invited as a sophomore or junior. This process is open one time per year following the finalization of semester 1 grades. Students are invited to apply based on their Cumulative GPA (3.85 for sophomores and 3.65) for Juniors. Once invited, they follow an expeditious application process that includes: the applicant’s written response to leadership experiences, community service, strong character, and commitment to the four NHS Pillars. Applicants need to provide an adult community member reference who speaks in support of their leadership and character attributes. SAHS staff provides input on the applicants strengths as related to the NHS Pillars. The final selection of new members is determined by an anonymous selection committee of teachers and staff members. If students do not receive an invitation within three weeks of the completion of semester one grades and know that they qualify based on GPA, please contact the advisor.
To Continue Membership: Students must continue to show academic commitment, leadership experience, service and good character. Throughout the year, National Honor Society members must maintain a minimum of a 3.65 GPA, attend all monthly chapter meetings and are required to volunteer 10 hours per semester and over the summer. Members are responsible for tracking their hours and submitting them on time. NHS members are invited to exclusive leadership events such as state summits, national leadership conferences, as they become available.
Induction is held once per year in the spring once Semester 1 grades are complete.
Start Date: Aug. 26, 2024
End Date: June 3, 2025
Meeting Days: Third Thursday of the month at 7 a.m. and 2:20 p.m. beginning Sept. 19. Additional Meetings: Oct. 10, Nov. 21, Dec. 19, Jan. 16, Feb. 20, March 20, April 24, and May 15.
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
Blood Drives:
Oct. 4 - 6:30 a.m. set up, held 7:45-3 p.m. in auxiliary and wresting gyms
Dec. 3 - Community Blood Drive late in the day off campus
April 11 - 6:30 a.m. set up, held 7:45-3 p.m. in auxiliary and wrestling gyms
EL Scream: Saturday, Oct. 26 from 6-8 p.m. at the Environmental Learning Center
Coffee House: Dec. 20 and May 2 at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. in the Auditorium
Induction Ceremony: April 14 at 6 p.m. in the Auditorium
Native American Student Alliance (NASA)
NASA aspires to share knowledge and awareness of Native American culture and provide an inclusive, fun, safe, snack-filled environment for all students. In doing so, NASA aims to keep indigenous culture alive and relevant.
Start Date: Nov. 7, 2024
End Date: June 4, 2025
Meeting Days: Tuesdays
Meeting Time: 2:15 - 3 p.m.
Meeting Location: SAHS E208
Student-Initiated Club. Register directly with the advisor.
Claire Henning
Sydney Piras
Faith Wilhelmy
Student Leaders
One Act Play
First meeting: TBD
Meeting Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after school
Location: Auditorium or other predetermined areas
Fee: $25
One Act Play begins with auditions in November, with rehearsals and competitions ending in February. Open to all SAHS students.
Electronic registration is required.
Peer Helpers
The SAHS Peer Helpers seek to support, listen and encourage the student body through one-on-one relationships. This confidential network is dedicated to positively influence the school culture and community. The Peer Helper program provides a select group of students (about 25 total) with accurate information, the skills to help others more effectively, and places/resources to turn to when in need. The Peer Helpers are dedicated to normalizing the stigma surrounding mental health and simply connecting with their peers in non-threatening interactions.
The SAHS student body can sign up to talk to a Peer Helper on our website, or DM us on www.instagram.com/sahs.peerhelpers/
This is not an application based/opt in program. Students are contacted for an interview in the fall if nominated by the SAHS student body.
Start Date: Sept. 9, 2024
End Date: May 26, 2025
Meeting Days: TBD
Meeting Time: TBD
Philosophy Club
Philosophy Club is open to all students who are interested in learning more about philosophy. Meetings consist of discussion on various philosophical topics that the club is interested in.
Start Date: TBD
Meeting Days: TBD
Meeting Times: TBD
Meeting Location: TBD
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
Pickleball Club
The Pickleball Club offers students a fun and inclusive way to stay active while learning one of the fastest-growing sports in the country. Open to players of all skill levels, the club provides a relaxed environment where students can develop their pickleball skills, make new friends, and enjoy friendly competition. Whether you're new to the game or an experienced player, the Pickleball Club is a great way to stay fit and engaged after school. Follow us on Instagram.
Start Date: Oct. 15, 2024
End Date: TBD
Meeting Days: Tuesdays and Sundays
Meeting Times: 6-7:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Lily Lake, Northland, SAHS Tennis Courts
Equipment: Bring your own paddles
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
Mr. Grimes grimess@stillwaterschools.org
Ponies TRUST Club
Ponies TRUST (True Respect Unifies Students Together) Club Unified Schools is a social group that works with Special Olympics Minnesota to bring students together through ongoing social, recreational sports, wellness and leadership activities powered by an engaged student community that breaks down the barriers that separate students with and without disabilities. The Unified movement activates youth, engages educators, and promotes school communities of acceptance and inclusion, where all young people are agents of change. It aims to increase youth leadership and social opportunities for students with and without intellectual disabilities.
We focus on:
- Fostering new Friendships
- Embracing each other’s differences and celebrating success in various situations
- Change how students interact with one another on a daily basis
- Accepting everyone the way they are
Start Date: Sept. 4, 2024
End Date: June 2, 2025
Meeting Days: Wednesdays. Meetings will not always happen every week or on the specific day. Events are communicated with students.
Meeting Times: 7:15 a.m.
Meeting Location: TBD
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
Pony Express Newspaper
English 11 Newspaper is primarily offered to juniors. Students contribute to the creation of the award winning publication The Pony Express. Students learn how journalism and the media function in society by providing them hands-on and real-world experiences.
Student are expected to plan, draft, and complete written articles on a regular bassist, editing for the correct use of the conventions and mechanics to publish for a variety of audiences and purposes, including St. Croix Valley media outliers.
Students participate in all aspects of the publishing process including: photography/editing, online publishing (including blogging and podcasting), broadcast journalism, information, information graphic and print layout design via industry-standard software, social media publishing, and business practices through advertising sales. Students publish online issues, print issues, and broadcast TV shows, while meeting frequent deadlines.
1. To publish news, information and opinion articles for and about student, faculty and administration activities, interests and policies.
2. To maintain high ethical standards with regard to fairness, personal and legal rights, responsibilities and accuracy.
3. To provide a forum for free and responsible expression of student opinion and present well-balanced, locally researched coverage of issues of broader student interest.
4. To strive for a high level of competency in the technical aspect of writing, including grammar, spelling, clarity, and precision.
5. To welcome diversity and increase the scope and depth of our coverage in order to heighten mutual understanding and awareness throughout our entire school community. Student-determined expression promotes democratic citizenship through public engagement diverse in both ideas and representation.
Meets daily during class in first and second hour.
Registration: No Fee. Registration is done directly with the advisor.
Awards: If letter awards are earned, students are required to purchase for $10.
Pony Strength Training
Stillwater Area High School Activities Office is partnering with ETS Performance to offer Pony Strength Training. ETS is a locally owned company that specializes in strength, conditioning and injury prevention services. They have been around since 2010 and have trained over 15,000 athletes, 350 Division I and II athletes and 100 professional athletes. ETS currently works with several other high schools in the metro area, as a result all of their programming in all sports has improved since bringing ETS on board.
FALL | Aug. 29 - Nov. 2 | $180
Monday and Wednesday from 3:15 - 4:15 p.m.
Friday from 2:30 - 3:15 p.m.
Maximum of 80 Students - SAHS PAC Weight Room
No Training: Non-school days or Holidays
WINTER | Nov. 18 - Mar. 14 | $225
Session I: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 2:30 - 3:45 p.m. - Maximum of 80 Students
SAHS PAC Weight Room
No Training: TBD
SPRING | April 1 - May 29 | $160
Off-Season Days: Monday through Thursday from 2:30 - 3:45 p.m. - Maximum of 80 Students
SAHS PAC Weight Room
Teams: Baseball, Softball, Track (throwers/jumpers), Boys Volleyball, and Boys Tennis
No Training: April 18, May 26
SUMMER | June 9 - July 31 | $160
Maximum of 80 students per session
Meet at Field Turf #1 due to construction on Pony Stadium
7 a.m. - Session 1 - Football Grades 11 and 12
7:40 a.m. - Session 2 - Football Grades 9 and 10
8:20 a.m. - Session 3 - Boys Basketball Grades 11 and 12
9 a.m. - Session 4 - Boys Basketball Grades 9 and 10 and Girls Basketball Grades 9-12
9:40 a.m. - Session 5 - Girls Volleyball Grades 9-12
10:20 a.m. - Session 6 - Co-Ed Grades 6-8
11 a.m. - Session 7 - Softball Grades 6-12
No Training: June 19, June 30 - July 4
Students may register for any session offered for their grade level. Emphasis will be on the sport listed, but workouts are adjusted for individual athletes as needed.
Prom Committee
Students learn event planning skills while planning the Prom.
Start Date: TBD
Meeting Days: TBD
Meeting Times: TBD
Meeting Location: TBD
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
Dusty Dennis
Robotics Team
The FRC Robotics Team meets after school to design and construct robots together. Our team competes in a worldwide high school level competition that provides students a hands-on opportunity to learn real world engineering, design and programming skills while building robots and collaborating with peers.
During the build season (January through early April) the group meets every day after school to prepare for a three-day competition. Members are not required to attend every meeting, but are expected and highly encouraged to attend on a regular basis. Everyone is welcome to attend and no prior experience is needed!
Start Date: Aug. 27, 2024
Meeting Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Meeting Times: 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: B116
Registration: Electronic registration is required.
This is a MSHSL Team.
Speech Team
Speech is the largest competitive extracurricular activity in the country amongst non-sports. The Stillwater Area team travels to 10 meets in the spring, where students compete against students from all over the region, in an attempt to qualify for state and two national championships. There are 13 categories for students to choose from, which are broken down into two main groups: competitive acting (humorous acting, dramatic acting, storytelling, creative writing, interpretive reading, etc) and competitive public speaking (persuasive, informative, current events, group discussion), so there is something for everyone.
The Stillwater speakers embrace uniqueness, allows students to lead in their passions, and prepares them for success in their future. We offer a welcoming, familial environment that allows students to grow as people while finding competitive success in the best state for speech in the country.
When: TBD
Coaching Available: Monday through Friday from 2:30 - 5 p.m.
Meeting Room: SAHS E207
Competitions: Saturdays from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Equipment Needed: Laptop or Tablet
Parent Information Meeting: TBD
Student Information Meeting: TBD
Electronic registration is required with a $165 Participation Fee. This is a MSHSL Team and a member of the NSDA.
Kristan Van Houten
Stillwater Cookie Club
The sweet treat for all year round! Socialize, create, foster team work, and sample cookies through the Stillwater Cookie Club. With a goal of being a fun, creative environment for everyone, relieve stress after a long day by snacking with both new and old friends.
Start Date: Oct. 2, 2024
Meeting Day: Every other Wednesday
Meeting Time: 2:20-2:50 p.m.
Meeting Location: C115
Registration: $7 - Register Directly with the Advisor
- Electronic registration is not required.
Stacy Bartlett
Student Council
Students participate in student government and plan school wide social events. Student representatives participate on district level committees. Officers attend School Board Meetings.
Start Date: TBD
Meeting Days: TBD
Meeting Times: TBD
Meeting Location: TBD
Registration: Students are elected to be part of Student Council. No Fee.
Student Leadership Council
- Advocacy - SLC works to improve the overall culture and climate of SAHS
- Advocacy - SLC works to address issues of Racial Justice, Bias, and Educational Equity.
- Advisory - SLC acts as a bridge between students and the Administration concerning Racial Justice, Bias, and Educational Equity.
- Leadership - SLC engages in leadership development and work with other organizations to end bias, harassment, discrimination, injustice, and educational inequity.
Start Date: TBD
Meeting Days: Fridays
Meeting Times: 2:15 - 3:15 p.m.
Meeting Location: SAHS College & Career Center
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
Cornelius Rish
Patricia Grgurovic
Student Mental Health Coalition
The Student Mental Health Coalition is a small group of student leaders and community members that provides strategic and responsive projects-based solutions to mental health needs at SAHS. We maintain and promote the Linktree/QR code of mental health resources (that we created as our first major project) available to students to provide easy access to these resources when students need them.
This is not an application-based/opt-in program. This group works with other school clubs and organizations to identify student leaders to participate but may be working on providing an opportunity to apply in the future.
Start Date: Aug. 27, 2024
End Date: June 3, 2025
Meeting Days: TBD
Meeting Times: TBD
Jill Rusignuolo
Stylus - Creative Arts Magazine
This is a co-curricular activity that produces the annual creative arts magazine as part of the English 12 - Journalism/Yearbook class. Students in the class design the magazine, but all students are encouraged to submit artwork, photos, poetry and short stories for publication. The Stylus is in the Hall of Fame of the National Scholastic Press Association.
Season: Spring
Meeting Days: Classes offered daily during school week
Meeting Times: 7:40 a.m. - 2:10 p.m.
Meeting Location: 3 Sections, SAHS D218, D212
Register directly with the advisor - no fee.
Don Pults
Sustainable Fashion Club
This is a club that educates on the importance of sustainable and renewable fashion. Activities planned, such as fundraisers relating to the club, upcycling workshops, clothing swaps, and sustainable fashion media discussions (documentaries, books).
Start Date: Sept. 19, 2024
End Date: May 15, 2025
Meeting Days: Third Thursday of the month
Meeting Times: After School, 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: D132
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
The Sisterhood
The Angela Davis Sisterhood is a club made for the Black women/non-binary students of Stillwater Area High School. Here, we provide a safe environment for discussions on our emotions and experiences, to be able to unwind and take a break from the real world, and to exchange empathy and compassion for one another. Our values are community, education, and activism. We work on enhancing our leadership skills, teamwork, and developing goals for the future. Any person of any identity is welcome to be a part of The Sisterhood!
Start Date: Sept. 16, 2024
End Date: June 1, 2025
Meeting Days: Every other Monday
Meeting Times: 2:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Room E208
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
Trust Club Cheer Squad
Trust Club members help support their friends in an adapted cheer squad. We cheer at home games only and use office hours to practice.
Start Date: TBD
Meeting Days: TBD
Meeting Location: TBD
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
Lorrie Shortridge
Erin Mathaus
Tree Club
Tree Club focuses on the planting and removal of trees in our environment, helping habitats thrive in biodiversity and prevent erosion. In addition to combating the planet's rising CO2 emissions, this group looks to protect waterways such as Brown's Creek by cleaning up the water.
Start Date: Dec. 11, 2024
Meeting Day: Wednesdays
Meeting Time: 2:20-3:20 p.m.
Meeting Location: C112
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
- Electronic registration is not required.
Peter Stenross
Young Democrats
Start Date: Sept. 27, 2024
End Date: May 30, 2025
Meeting Day: Every other Friday
Meeting Time: 2:20-3 p.m.
Meeting Location: TBD
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
- Electronic registration is not required.
Becky Skogen
Hazel Gerber
Young Feminists
A safe place for people of all genders and grade levels to learn more about feminism and participate in discussions and activities about women's issues. Through this, students are able to broaden their perspective, heighten their empathetic skills, and create new connections.
Start Date: Sept. 5, 2024
End Date: May 30, 2025
Meeting Day: Thursdays
Meeting Time: 2:20-3:10 p.m.
Meeting Location: E136
Registration: No Fee - Register Directly with the Advisor
- Electronic registration is not required.
Becky Skogen
Lila Seath